Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy 10th Birthday to Google!

For a company that started only 10 years ago, it's nothing short of phenomenal... And they had done humankind a great service with their products... I mean... WHO doesn't use at least one of their products? They've got tonnes of great products (
see here), but the ones I frequently use are:

1. The Google search itself, of course

2. Google Toolbar

3. Image Search

4. Pop Up Blocker - very useful to get rid of those nasty ads

5. Google Earth - how cool is that? Can even see my house.

6. Google News - extremely helpful to get the latest breaking news!

7. Blogger - hey, you've got to know mother of all blogs... you won't even be reading this if there's no Blogger (duh...)

8. Youtube - uh huh... this got to be one of the coolest and extremely entertaining product yet...

Well, that's all, and I know that many of you uses many other Google products, like Picasa, Gmail, Chrome - the new browser, etc.

Here I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thank you to Google, to Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders. Without you guys, I can't imagine how different my Internet life would be...

Have a blessed birthday and celebration!


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